Thursday, December 14, 2006


My bubble burst this afternoon, reality came rushing at me in a surprisingly forceful manner and it took a lot of effort to rebuild the walls I have so proudly built up to protect myself. I took an extended walk around the lake and was confronted with a lot of memories from that location. Actually, the only people who I know read this have done that walk with me. After 40 minutes of walking and a couple hours of reading (Why do men have nipples?- good read about silly science facts) I regained my equilibrium. From now on I need a longer to do list so I don't have time to stop and think about life. That's not supposed to happen until January and then only in a very controlled way. I like control.

In other news, the woman whose print I bought at the art auction gave me another copy of it. That was very nice of her, but I'm not sure what to do with it. If only I had left my Christmas shopping until the last minute! I guess I just have a really early start on next year?

1 comment:

  1. That's the lake we walked around when i came to visit ages ago, right.

    i love that campus.. so pretty...


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